BGCD Members Travel to Maine for a Week of Fun at Camp Northbound

[bt_section][bt_row][bt_column width=”1/1″][bt_text] BRIGTON, ME — Our members finished off an amazing summer with a week at Camp Northbound in Bridgton, Maine. Throughout the week, members enjoyed activities such as archery, swimming, arts & crafts, obstacle courses, kickball and more. There were also special events including a talent show, dances, and camp fires for everyone to […]

BGCD Members Participate in Summer Olympics with BPD

[bt_section][bt_row][bt_column width=”1/2″][bt_text] DORCHESTER, MA — BGCD members came together with Club members from other local Boston Boys & Girls Clubs to participate in a day of fun athletic activities and competitions with the Boston Police Department. They participated in sports games such as basketball, soccer and football at Boston College’s Alumni Stadium. [/bt_text][bt_hr top_spaced=”topSmallSpaced” bottom_spaced=”bottomExtraSmallSpaced” […]
